Dear Friends and Fellow Acupuncturists, We are pleased to announce this year Spring Festival and New Year's Celebration. Please see below for details. Included this year will be Lion Dancing, Silent Auction, Awards, Profession Updates, Meet Your Legislators, and the pure joy of s We shall also be introducing our new members of the Board of Directors and our new
President, Dr. Julie Armstrong, DACM, LAc,
Vice President, Derek Marrongelle, DACM, LAc,
Secretary, Leah Chischilly, DACM, LAc and
Treasurer, Alissa Stockton, DACM, LAc
Come and meet them all.
Please click the link below to get registered. Register early to save money and help us with planning.
Early Bird Pricing: Before Feb 2nd $50 per person or $480 for a table of 10.
After Feb 2nd: $55 per person or $520 for a table of 10.
This event is brought you by the volunteer efforts of your Board of Directors so we may come together as a community. Donations to the silent auction are most welcome. All proceeds go to help AMAAZ grow and uplift our profession. You may donate by contacting [email protected].
With great appreciation, Lloyd G Wright, DACM, LAc President Emeritus, AMAAZ |